New Book Tuesday
Perfect new children's book, middle grade book, and teen book titles for your school and library releasing on March 25th from HarperCollins Children's Books.
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35 Books to Help Celebrate AAPI Stories
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and it's the perfect opportunity to highlight the stories told by and about Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islander Americans
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TLA 2025
We’re so excited to be joining Texas librarians on April 1-4 for the annual TLA conference in Dallas! Stop by booth #1333 to chat with us about the new and upcoming books we’re most excited for, get access to eGalleys and audio galleys, and meet some amazing authors.
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New Book Tuesday
Perfect new children's book, middle grade book, and teen book titles for your school and library releasing on March 18th from HarperCollins Children's Books.
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8 of the Best Books for Storytime
Storytime is a staple of teachers and librarians: gathering kiddos at the rug, welcoming them by name with a song or rhyme, opening a book, and inviting them to explore a new world. We've gathered a few of our upcoming picture books that we know will make for the perfect storytime read!
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New Book Tuesday
Perfect new children's book, middle grade book, and teen book titles for your school and library releasing on March 11th from HarperCollins Children's Books.
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Shake Up Your Celebrations: Ramadan
Over a billion Muslims around the world are getting ready to celebrate Ramadan, which begins on Friday, February 28th at sundown. Shake Up Your Celebrations is a campaign that highlights books featuring a variety of holidays, traditions, and celebrations. Many of these holidays are underrepresented in classroom and library programming, which often centers around Christmas and other Christian holidays.  Shake Up Your Shelves and build a more inclusive bookcase!
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New Book Tuesday
Perfect new children's book, middle grade book, and teen book titles for your school and library releasing on March 4th from HarperCollins Children's Books.
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Behind the Book: Bat and the Business of Ferrets by Elana K. Arnold
It's hard to believe that it's been almost ten years since award-winning author Elana K. Arnold first introduced us to Bixby Alexander Tam - aka Bat - in A Boy Called Bat. In those years, countless children across the country have fallen in love with Bat. Arnold is returning to the series with a new story arc following Bat as he enters fourth grade, bringing Bat to both returning and new readers. 
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Ten Novels In Verse To Read During Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month and it’s a great time to get children interested in the writing style and novels in verse are a great introduction to reluctant readers and bookworms alike.
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Poetry Books and Collections for Every Age
Poetry connects us to our history, to one another, and to ourselves. Poetry is an art form that has been in existence for millennia, often passed down through oral tradition, used in religious ceremonies, or set to music as song. Its ability to adapt and remain meaningful to generations throughout history alone makes it worth the time to read and study. Introduce your students and readers to the beauty and versatility of poetry with these new collections and stories.
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Bridging Generations Through Celebration: How South Asian American Weddings Connect Kids to Their Heritage
Weddings showcase many family, religious, and cultural traditions. In Natasha Khan Kazi's Lulu in the Spotlight, readers see a tradition common at many South Asian weddings - a game where young people try to steal one of the groom's shoes! The book is a fun way to introduce readers to different kinds of wedding traditions or reflect their own experiences in a beautifully illustrated picture book.  Here, the creator shares her inspiration behind this book as well as why it's so important to #shakeupyourcelebrations and share traditions like these with readers.
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New Book Tuesday
Perfect new children's book, middle grade book, and teen book titles for your school and library releasing on February 25th from HarperCollins Children's Books.
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Read Me in the Middle: Even More Books for 7th and 8th Graders
We've heard over and over from librarians and educators about how difficult it can be to navigate middle grade and teen books to find the ones with the most appeal for 7th and 8th grade students. Maybe you have an advanced reader who has torn through every middle grade book in your library. Or maybe you have a struggling reader who needs something high interest, but at an appropriate reading level. We've put our heads together and assembled an amazing list of books that you can feel confident handing your 7th and 8th grade readers! Here are our favorites coming out this winter to freshen up your collection.
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New Book Tuesday
Perfect new children's book, middle grade book, and teen book titles for your school and library releasing on February 18th from HarperCollins Children's Books.
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One Step Forward: Author Guest Post by Marcie Flinchum Atkins
March is Women's History Month and March 8th is International Women's Day. What an appropriate time to remember those who fought for women's rights throughout history, including those who participated in the Women's Suffrage movement in the United States. One Step Forward by Marcie Flinchum Atkins, is a thrilling and moving historical novel in verse that will introduce teens to Matilda Young—the youngest American suffragist imprisoned for picketing the White House to demand women’s right to vote.
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Talking About Mental Health: Author Guest Post by Saadia Faruqi
The Strongest Heart is my most personal story yet. It’s about a boy whose father has severe paranoid schizophrenia, whose mother has temporarily left the country, and whose life has been uprooted by a move to Houston, Texas. I, too, grew up under the care of a mentally ill father, and a mother who was emotionally, if not physically, absent. It took a deep toll not only on me as a child, but affected the adult I became, and the relationships I formed, including with my own parents and siblings.
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Reach Reluctant Middle Grade Readers with These 12 Engaging Books
Anyone who works with kids knows the signs of a reluctant reader. There can be a variety of reasons for kids to struggle with finding a book, including their reading level, not seeing books that reflect them and their interests, busy schedules, and low attention spans. We've gathered a list of books to help connect your reluctant readers to a book that will build their confidence and love for reading.
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New Book Tuesday
Perfect new children's book, middle grade book, and teen book titles for your school and library releasing on February 11th from HarperCollins Children's Books.
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Behind the Book: The Corruption of Hollis Brown by K. Ancrum
K. Ancrum's Icarus was one of our best reviewed novels of 2024 and her newest title, The Corruption of Hollis Brown, seems to be following in its footprints. Set in a down-on-its-luck small town with a haunted neighbor, the short and engaging chapters follow Hollis Brown as he heads down a path of self-growth accompanied by an unusually close companion. At turns thrilling and heartwarming, this novel is unlike any other.
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New Book Tuesday
Perfect new children's book, middle grade book, and teen book titles for your school and library releasing on February 4th from HarperCollins Children's Books.
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