A letter from Lamar Giles, author of NOT SO PURE AND SIMPLE

On sale 1.21.20

Dear Reader,

When I was young, there was no shortage of guys willing to give me advice. From uncles to older cousins to peers. (Didn’t we all know that kid who seemed to exude advanced knowledge of things both necessary and forbidden?) I even remember a janitor giving me some unsolicited tips once when he noticed me noticing my crush-of-the-moment passing by in the hall. A few of the suggestions were good (“When it comes to cologne, less is more.”), some of it middling (“You should grow a goatee.”). Most of it, though . . . WAS SO HORRIBLY BAD I CANNOT EVEN! OH MY GOODNESS! I WILL NEVER TELL YOU WHAT THAT JANITOR SAID BECAUSE IT’S THE STUFF OF NIGHTMARES!

If it wasn’t advice, it was innuendo. A slight tip of the chin. A raised eyebrow. A smirk. All indicating, you know what to do here—even if you really don’t. Because you’re a man. So, man up. Don’t lose your Man Card. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

Wow, we were all so clueless. Many of us stay clueless. Willfully so. How else do the uglier messages of manhood persist into modern times, simply to be defended as “locker room talk”? Why else do we wait to call out such horrific behavior until it’s on the biggest and brightest stages? The answers are complicated, plagued by centuries-old patriarchal standards. In Not So Pure and Simple, Green Creek, Virginia, is not immune.

Del Rainey is a Frankenstein’s monster of bad advice, poor assumptions, and an outdated social script for proper male behavior. And I think you’re going to like him. Are you surprised?

A moron catcalling women on the street while wearing an “I Only Date Models” T-shirt is easy to identify and cancel. Your down-on-his-luck buddy who always means well and just doesn’t know what to say to that one special girl is a little harder to check and correct. Because toxic males can be many things, but very rarely are they friendless.

The pals Del has at the beginning of this story, and those he makes along the way, may not know all the answers (there are some pretty weird questions posed in these pages), but they are willing to muddle through the noxious soup of misinformation, gender expectations, religious dogma, and general growing pains. As you take this journey with them, I hope you see your curiosity of the unknown is a good and natural thing. If you’re a little older, I hope you find a bit more understanding for the confused young people in your world. No matter who you are, if you see bad, gross, toxic behavior from a friend or foe, I hope you find the strength to counter instead of encourage it. Nothing changes unless we all do our part. Some of us (men!) have more work to do than others. So, let’s start. Sooner begun, sooner done.

In the meantime, I’d like to introduce you to Del, Kiera, Jameer, Qwan, Shianne, Mya, Angie, and the rest of the First Missionary House of the Lord Purity Pledgers. I’ve grown to love them dearly—despite their flaws. I hope you will, too.

Lamar Giles


⋆“A compelling story of young people sorting through conflicting messages and social pressures around sexuality and relationships. Powerful.”
School Library Journal (starred review)

⋆“The novel takes on teen attitudes toward sex and relationships and gender power dynamics in a way that is appealing and thought provoking. Hilariously necessary.”
Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

⋆“Giles’s thoughtful, hilarious read offers a timely viewpoint on religion, toxic masculinity, and teen sexuality.”
Publishers Weekly (starred review)

⋆"With a fresh perspective, Giles takes care to flesh out his full cast of characters, creating an intricate, multifaceted web of misogyny and its detrimental impact."
Booklist (starred review)

“This is a deeply funny and searingly honest look at teen sex, adults’ anxieties around it, and the toxic masculinity that so often shapes it.”
Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

“Holy hell! This was perfect timely read! I laughed, I gasped, I church grunted through every chapter. Giles is a master at writing realistic characters that are both flawed and relatable.”
— Tiffany D Jackson

"Heartfelt and hilarious on every page! Giles is not only adept at storytelling, he understands what makes us human.”
— Justin Reynolds

“Lamar Giles continues to prove he’s untouchable when crafting unforgettable characters. Readers will laugh hysterically but will lean in to the novel when Giles takes an honest look into masculinity and flips the ol’ premise of “boy gets girl.”
— Lilliam Rivera, author of Dealing in Dreams and The Education of Margot Sanchez



About the Book

In his first contemporary teen novel, critically acclaimed author and two-time Edgar Award finalist Lamar Giles spotlights the consequences of societal pressure, confronts toxic masculinity, and explores the complexity of what it means to be a “real man.”

Del has had a crush on Kiera Westing since kindergarten. And now, during their junior year, she’s finally available. So when Kiera volunteers for an opportunity at their church, Del’s right behind her. Though he quickly realizes he’s inadvertently signed up for a Purity Pledge.

His dad thinks his wires are crossed, and his best friend, Qwan, doesn’t believe any girl is worth the long game. But Del’s not about to lose his dream girl, and that’s where fellow pledger Jameer comes in. He can put in the good word. In exchange, Del just has to get answers to the Pledgers’ questions…about sex ed.

With other boys circling Kiera like sharks, Del needs to make his move fast. But as he plots and plans, he neglects to ask the most important question: What does Kiera want? He can’t think about that too much, though, because once he gets the girl, it’ll all sort itself out. Right?

Lamar Giles writes stories for middle grade, teens, and adults. In addition to Fake ID and Endangered for Harper, he writes for Scholastic (Overturned and Spin) and The Last Last-Day-of-Summer for Versify (HMH). He is a Virginia native, a Hopewell High Blue Devil, and an Old Dominion University Monarch. He resides in Chesapeake, Virginia, with his wife. Learn more about him at www.lrgiles.com.